Waking up and realizing I had so many assignments due on top of that having to work really did cause so much stress in my time going to school. Having to deal with unnecessary stress and having your mind running all the time can literally make you go insane and can cause major issues with your own mental state of health. Although, some stress is very healthy to have sometimes it is best to take a breather and stand back and tell yourself everything will work out. The key to having healthy stress is eliminating the bad stress. There are so many tactics in helping yourself destress and it is so important to be able to incorporate some skills in your daily routine whether it be for everyday or even once a week. Here some of my suggestions for de-stressing from life's headaches. Stressed by Sodanie Chea, Creative Commons 2.0 What makes you stressed? - A lot of the the times there is a specific pattern for why you end up getting overly stressed out. Taking a step back looking at...